Friday, April 1, 2011

Bad days come around and everything crumbles

To day is a really bad day. When these days happen I just fall apart and everything comes to a meeting point of brokenness. It's hard to explain the joy and pain that comes along with being a mom. When I look at my little boy I'm amazed by how perfectly he was created, he has his own little quirks and personality and watching him learn new thing is the greatest thing ever. He giggles at the funniest things and offers anyone that comes his way a smile. I am so glad that he is in my life and when I'm away from him I miss him terribly, but there is another side of it too. The side of feeling like a failure; failure because despite your very best effort sometimes there is just nothing you can do to make things better. So far my history of not being able to make things better is quite vast and on days like today the guilt of these failures just consumes me. I couldn't push my baby out, I tried, I tried for a really long time and then they had to get him out. I remember the nurses and doctors flooding into the room and all of them doing something to me, the oxygen mask went and they unhooked me from one machine and hooked me up to another and then we took of running down the hall. I remember shaking uncontrollably because off all the drugs in me while they worked behind the tent . I was completely helpless. Then I couldn't feed my baby, again I tried long and hard and did everything I could because those stupid "breast milk is best" commercials made me feel like I was letting my child down because I had to give him formula but he was starving, they don't talk about how to deal with that in pre-natal classes. So I was on medication and I pumped and I did everything and nothing worked. Then I found out he couldn't have milk after 2 months of him being in pain, so we had to put him on special formula that was worth it's weight in gold, and I was angry because I couldn't seem to get anything right. These last couple days we've been teething pretty bad so we wake up whining and miserable and spend the entire day this way. Today I'm struggling to handle it because there's nothing I can do which bring this flood of past failures to a head and I get overwhelmed and angry and frustrated and I just wonder what is wrong with me. I'm not sharing this to make you feel bad for me, I sharing these things because this is what I'm dealing with today and I want to real about who I am and what I'm dealing with and I tend to go into "I'm fine mode" when I actually talk about what I'm struggling with. So I'm optimistic that tomorrow will be better but as of now, today is a bad day.


Tara said...

awe Dom!! I soo know those days!!! There is so much I feel like a failure for but I know tomorrow I probably won't feel as bad.... how many more hours left for today? lol
I'll be keeping you in my prayers! love you!

Renee said...

dom, you are such a great mom!! you persevered with the breastfeeding thing longer then lots do when its all going well!! and i was mostly formula fed and i turned our ok.....minus my second belly button;) kidding! if you didn't have days like this i would think you're crazy!
love and hugs! renee

Miranda said...

Hey Dom - I totally hear you girl. I cried when I read your post because I feel like that is what my past 9 months have been too. I have definitely had my fair share of those days - feeling like a failure and then feeling guilty for feeling like that. I couldn't bring Jacob into the world on my own either - I "failed to progress" (I just heard them again at the doctors' office the other day) - those words still feel like a slap in the face...I was SUPPOSED to be able to do that! And I am still grieving that in some ways. But girl, keep holding onto truth - you are NOT a failure in anyway, sometimes things just suck. Today is one of those days for me...I've already told Satan to shut it several times!! I'm praying for you and just keep delighting in that little boy! Those little baby cuddles do help. :) *hugs*


Leanne Marie said...

Hey Dom,

You are just the right mom for your little guy and you are doing the very best that you can for him. I ended up choosing not to breast feed and feeling awful about it, yet I was going insane and more than anything my son and daughter needed to have a sane mommy, so breast feeding was out. I still have days I feel like a failure and then I have to remember I am a good enough mom, not a perfect mom which is what I want to be, a good enough one and that has to be good enough. the rough days do not mean you are failing, despite how it feels. The rough days are a part of life and it is hard as a mom to have no idea how to make it all better for our little miracles. You are doing great! Big hugs and lots of prayers!

philippians4:4 said...

Dear Friend,
I love you! (sorry I'm a bit late on this one) I know I have no idea what it is like, but please don't be discouraged. Sounds like satan is planting lies in your head. Far beyond the days of diapers and breast feeding etc, you are giving your son something of eternal value as a godly, praying mother. Something millions of children will never be blessed with. You are giving Isaiah something far greater in value. Don't forget that! I know it sounds trite but Keep Trusting God. He is making you into a woman after his own heart."And I will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested. They will call upon my name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘They are my people’; and they will say, ‘The Lord is my God." Zech 13:9
I may not be a mother, but you know I've been through fire, and boy do I pray more, trust more and love Him more because of it. He is so faithful and good.
Love much love & much prayers