Tuesday, October 25, 2011

eeek, only one week

There's only one week left of October, oh man oh man. This might not have any significance to anybody else but what it means to me is I only have 3 weeks left to complete my fall purge/organization. I'm a little OCD when it comes to certain things and organization and clutter in my home are two of those things. Piles of papers and stuff give me anxiety and disorganization leaves me fluster and frustrated. So in order to avoid these things I have to stay on top of them. This fall I'm finding it to be the worst ever because the hubster works so much in the summer and now with the chubster it leaves not a great deal of time for me to get done what I want to get done. I think it's also so bad because last year I had just had a baby and physically coun't do anything. But this year is different and Christmas is coming and I like Christmas to be about relaxing and enjoying and celebrating and not about melting down because I can't handle the caos in my house. So the list came out and my progress definetly needs to increase. So here is a little glimpse of my " to do" list

1. Organize and purge pantry
2. Organize and purge spare bedroom
3. Sell car, desk, and couch
4. Collect cloths and shoes for community living
5. Organize walk-in closet
6. Paint dresser and chairs so I can park in garage
7. Force hubster to hang TV on the wall and get cords off the ground
8. put up shelves and drying rod in laundry room
9. drink a starbucks and take a nap

Oh man I'm tired just thinking about it all, well hopefully I can pull it off and by the middle of November all I'll have to worry about is Christmas shopping, Christmas decorating, drinking more starbucks, taking more naps and BAKING, oh how I love baking :)

1 comment:

Renee said...

when your done with your list you should come and give me inspiration to start mine!!