Monday, March 7, 2011

the fact of the matter

The hubster went away this last weekend (insert sad face here) I hate it when he goes away. This was the first time he had gone away since the chubster was born in September and I was dreading it. On prior occcasions when he was going to be gone for a few days the first thing I would do is make myself a list of things I wanted to do while he was gone. The primary reason for doing this was to keep myself as busy as possible so I didn't have to think about the fact that I was home without him. So as the weekend approached I started to make my list, organize the pantry, clean the garage, shovel the snow off the deck, re-arrange the picture wall, wash the floor. Ambishus ? probably, but I figured I could get a couple of the tasks done at the very least. Well the fact of the matter is......the only thing that got done was I washed the floor, and I did that last night at 8pm :(

I was so sad, I had such high hopes of accomplishing, well anything and I really didn't accomplish anything. What happened? well the chubster happened, this dear, sweet, most precious gift of mine got wind of my to-do list and wanted nothing to do with it. I love being a mom but there is something I have to tell you. HAVING A BABY REALLY DOES CHANGE EVERYTHING (this is a good thing, but takes time to ajust to). I have always been a very organized and planned person who likes her lists and scheduals, the hubster is not organized and in his words " I don't make plans". Now is might be a long shot to say this but it seems to me that the chubster is alreay taking after the hubster and the two have joint together in an alliance that goes against everything that I know to be me.

So what do we do about this predicament ? Well, apparently we accept the fact that my love of lists may continue to be apart of who I am, as long as I can accept that those list may take A LONG TIME to complete. And as far as being organized, well I can try but chances are that my efforts will be foiled by the dynamic duo. And once again, the fact of the matter is I'm out numbered.

The Hubster and the Chubster in there matching superman shirts,


Renee said...

haha, i hear you! now, when daniel goes away, i make no plans and just fit as much fun/socializing i can in so i don't mope around in my un-productivness!

Heidi said...

I am so much a list person too, and I like to make plans and schedules and my boyfriend doesn't like to make plans either. He just likes to see what happens, go with the flow. It drives me crazy at times. Hope you still had fun! :)

philippians4:4 said...

Me three! Having had many night with Matt away I would keep my self so busy I would be drop dead tired and fall asleep very quickly. My way of coping too.
Thankfully there are more important thing in life than a clean house!