Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A title comes to an end

When I first started blogging I figured that the name I chose should capture a bit of who I am, which got me thinking, who am I ? Well this question lead to a whirlwind of thoughts, obviously I'm a wife,and a daughter, a sister, a friend but going a bit deeper who am I. What am I good at, what do I love, where is my passion and so on. Well the answer I came up with was " I don't know". Great, well what am I suppose to do with that. I started to realize that I've never really known who I am, correction, I knew who I was but I was so busy thinking that I needed to be something or someone else I couldn't accept the answer to that question. Well today I feel like I can answer that question and I think I owe that to a friend of mine who just blogged a bit about her life. Anyways in reading her blog I realized that I'm not the only one like this, that's great news :). So for the last 3.5 yrs I've spend wondering and wandering and wondering as I'm wandering about who I am, what I'm good at and were my passion , so here it is, this is who I am

I am all over the place all the time, my mind is constantly on the go, I love to create. I love to sing and make music,I love to paint pictures that are beautiful, cook and bake food that is amazing and full of flavour. I love to decorate my house over and over again with things that cost little but are beautiful, I'm excited to grow my own veggies and make my own baby food, I love to capture memories through pictures (even though I don't take great pictures) and find hidden gems in things that are quickly disposed of. I love to love and encourage and find the good when all you can see is the bad. I'm really not very good at any one thing but instead I'm a little bit good at lots of different things and that's o.k. Career wise I don't know what I want to do with my life because I get bored easily and the thought of doing one thing for too long sounds like a job and I don't want a job I want something that I can love doing everyday. I love the simple and beautiful which makes sense I guess because my husband says that's one of the reasons he feel in love with me, because I'm simple and beautiful ( I know, he's a keeper ). I want to show my kids that life is good even when it's hard and that there is so much more to do then watch T.V. and play video games. I'm not smart but I work hard. I'm not always sure what I want but I do know what I don't want. And most importantly I know that I'm valuable because of all of these things. I use to think that if I didn't have a good job with a fancy title then I was disposable, but now I'm realizing that you can always be replaced in your job and that title can be taken away, but you can never be replaced as a person which means that that great job with the fancy title isn't as important as I thought it was.

So there it is, I wondered as I wandered and now I think I am were I was always intended to be, and I have to say I like it here. And I'm still a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, and now I'm a mom, but I'm a lot more then just those things and for the first time I think I'm genuinely glad to be who I am. So now the process begins in finding a new name for my blog, a task much harder then one would think, but I'm up for the challenge

1 comment:

philippians4:4 said...

I Love YOU!! When I read that I remember why I love you so much (not that I forgot) you are simply beautiful. I love how you always say what you think. I wish I had some wonderful inspired suggestion for your new title... something simple and beautiful I guess. You reminded me of a quote I just read:

“I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.”
-Laura Ingalls Wilder

Love you