Tuesday, May 22, 2012

40 weeks and holding

Well today marks 40 weeks of pregnancy, it's funny how you feel like you'll never get there and then all of a suddenly one day you're there and you think to yourself  " oh wow, that went fast" you stop and think a minute and revise your thought to " wait, no it didn't". Anyways, I'm super happy to be here, however. much like week 40 of my 1st pregnancy this is the day that my pissy hormones kick in (sorry for the language). The day started not bad, I slept well, I felt rested, and then I got up and saw the nasty weather outside and immediately flashed to having to go in to the gail force sask wind and heavy rain with the chubster in just a few hours for my Dr appointment. We get into the car and the first thing he does is kick off his shoes and refused to have them put back on while I stood in the rain trying to get them on, then we almost lost our umbrella followed by my appointment that basically comfirmed that this baby is not coming today. Full blown pissy has now hit. I had more signs of having this baby 2 weeks ago then I do today. I'm trying to be patient but it's hard because I'm sore, I'm tired, I'm big and I'm the mother of a toddler who runs NOT walks. The funny thing is that as ready as I am there are a lot of things I'm very anxious about. Labour was long and hard and didn't end how I wanted 1st time around, breast feeding was long and hard and once again didn't end how I wanted, and these 2 things alone have my stomach in noughts and me in constand prayer that this time will be different, yet that doesn't change the fact that I am done being pregnant. I'm ready to meat our newest little chubster, I'm ready to find out what gender of sweet baby cloths I will be keeping in the closest. I'm ready to start dealing with the new challenges whatever those may be. I've nested myself to death and have nothing left that shows up on my priority radar which is new for me, there's always something that needs to be done right this minute. We've just come away from an awesome long weekend filled with good friends, beautiful weather, lots of time with our little family, and a whole bunch getting accomplished in and around the house, which I think has made me feel even more ready. But baby isn't ready to visit yet so I have to be patient and give him or her a bit more time. I'm sure chubster #2 will be here soon enough and I've made it this far so what's I little bit longer, o.k. every minute feels like an hour but I'll get over it. Hopefully next time we talk there will be a picture of a sweet new baby.

1 comment:

Ashlea said...

Hey Dom, I am really excited to hear the news of your new little baby! I was very nervous about breastfeeding with my second because I struggled with Anika so much...and it went so smoothly this time. And one of my friends had a c-section last time(i forget if that's what you ended up with?) and for her second she delivered naturally. So I hope that's encouraging to hear! I'll pray for you, and I look forward to seeing pictures!